Follow these 3 home wellness tips for an healthy home

What is home wellness? We all want to have a healthy and balance life and for that we can start at our own home. Our house must be a safe and happy space where we can relax and recharge. Although we may not be able to change some factors, like room disposition, there are some simple tips we can recommend.

What is home wellness?

home wellness
Katja Rooke / Unsplash

We can define home wellness as the magic of turning your home into a safe and healthy space. Being that health for your body and soul. Your home must be the place were you feel your best self and where you thrive to conquer the outside world.

Is no surprise that (almost) everyone think that a healthy home is important. But fewer believe their home is as healthy as it can be. But which factors make a home healthy? According to Second Home, air and water are the number one mentions: a good air quality and clean water.

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Minh Pham / Unsplash

Lately we are spending even more time at home, so home wellness trends are rising. There may be some factors you can not change at your home, like room disposition, location or sun-lighting, but there is some easy tips you can follow to transform your home into a calm and healthy sanctuary. Let’s find out.

1. Clean your air

A good air quality is the number one concern when it comes to home wellness. Although a house filters some of the outdoor residues it is still not pollution free. For instance, when you walk in the door and don’t remove your shoes you are contaminating your home with air toxins.

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Collov Home Design / Unsplash

What can you do about it? You can start by taking your shoes off, and ask your guest to do so themselves. Also, dust and vacuum regularly and don’t forget to change your air filter on a regular basis. How often you change them is up to how much time you spend at home, what are your habits and your health conditions. To maximize the air cleaning you can also invest in an air purifier.

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Noelle Australia / Unsplash

If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly tip, an easy habit is to open the windows as much as possible. Yes, is that easy. If you want to improve even more your air quality and give it a pleasant fragrance, decor your home with scented candles and diffusers. Not only your air will be clean it will also smell good.

ach candle
achi fragrances
outdoor furniture

2. Sleep in a sanctuary

The bedroom may be the space where you spend most of your time at home. Or at least should be, 8 hours a day. So it only makes sense that it should be the most relaxed room in your home. Even more because a comfortable interior design can help you relax and sleep well.

haute minimal
HommĂŠs Studio

Invest in a good bed, mattress and pillows and make the entire space stress-free. A calming color palette should also be taken into account – neutral hues and natural elements must be a good choice.

Also add some storage furniture. A cluttered room is a messy room. And a messy one is just stressful. From time to time analyze your belongings and filter what you really need – if you lack the space or if you just don’t use it, it means it’s time to go. Here we gave some tips on how to have a minimalist style.

romance bedroom
HommĂŠs Studio
romance bedroom
HommĂŠs Studio

3. Welcome nature into your home

Several studies concluded that the connection with nature helps to improve our mood and health. When you are indoors it doesn’t have to feel that you are surrounded with concrete. Take the most of your windows and outsides, if you are lucky enough to have one.

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Annie Spratt / Unsplash

Take your workspace or reading corner closer to the windows so you can get as much natural light as possible. When it comes to your patio or yard turn it into a relaxation space. Add some outdoor furniture, a yoga den or even get a pet? We already presented the pet friendly decor trend. Get inspired!

outdoor furniture
HommĂŠs Studio
outdoor furniture
HommĂŠs Studio

Inspired by: Second Nature and Humming Homes
Featured image: Logan Nolin / Unsplash

Are you ready for a healthy home? Learn how to create a meditation space in your home.

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